Southern Line, Port of Setúbal – Praias Do Sado
  • Map
Municipalities involved:
Length of the Port of Setúbal - Praias do Sado stretch on the Southern line from pk 29 + 760 to pk 33 + 224 (4 km).

Âmbito da Intervenção

The modernization of the stretch on the Southern line between the Port of Setúbal and Praias do Sado includes the following work:

Reception/dispatch zone in the Port of Setúbal:

  • Electrification of three lines in the reception/dispatch bundle;

  • Electrification of the reception/dispatch bundle to the Southern Line;

  • Construction of a maneuver area.

SADOPORT Terminal:

  • Intervention/construction of loading/unloading lines;

  • Electrification of the connection from the reception/dispatch bundle to the loading/unloading lines.

TERSADO Terminal:

  • Electrification of the connection from the reception/dispatch bundle to the loading/unloading lines.

RO/RO Terminal:

  • Electrification of the connection from the reception/dispatch bundle to the loading/unloading lines, and to the initial stretch of the loading/unloading lines.

Construction of a bundle of lines at Cachofarra for reception/dispatch and removal of the Cachofarra LC.


The work in question is underway with the aim of aligning transport policies with user requirements, in a multimodal perspective, as set out in the Base Law for the Land Transport System in the Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Plan - PETI3+, approved by Council of Ministers Resolution No 61-A/2015 of 20 August, and in the Strategy to Increase the Competitiveness of the Mainland Commercial Port Network - Horizon 2026, approved by Council of Ministers Resolution No 175/2017 of 24 November which sets out as strategic objectives the promotion of complementarity between rail and sea transport and the reinforcement of the modal share in modes of transport which are more sustainable from an environmental perspective.

Financiamento Comunitário